A Production of Theater Junge Generation

"The Israeli puppeteer Ariel Doron staged a meta-theatrical puppet massacre of the most eerie kind that got under your skin. Since Vegard Vinge's work in Berlin's Volksbühnen-Prater, nothing like this has been experienced. A grandiose Grand Guignol - and a surprise across generations and divisions of this new start."
Thomas Irmer, Theater der Zeit
*Spoilers ahead*
"Visiting Hours are Over" is a social experiment / performance art piece which uses puppetry to confronts the audience with their role as passive viewers of atrocities. It explores the thin line between show and reality, and the associations, imagination and actions,
that inanimate objects can bring up in the audience.
Viewers find themselves taking part in a mass execution of puppets - with one puppet being killed after the other right among them, as there is no seperation from audience and performers and all happens in one space.
They can be passive viewers and do nothing about it, but they get a few small hints that they could intervene if they want, and each presentation of the piece, like in Performance art, develop very differently with people trying to stop the puppeteers, save specific puppets or interrupt the show completely. People start organising and planning how to block the puppeteers in groups, pull out the masks from puppeteers faces, re-animate dead puppets and manipulate them, often becoming violent towards the puppeteers just to save the puppets. Some people choose to join them, and kill puppets with them together. Every presentation is completely different and unpredictable, and even when the puppeteers are doing the same actions and scenes each show, what is really being animated is the audience itself here, and the show offers us a look at human and group behaviour, using the magic of puppetry.
Review by Tobias Pruewer (Contains Spoilers):

The show has been invited to festivals such as Figurentheatre Festival Erlangen, Imaginale Festival Stuttgart, FIDENA Festival in Bochum, UNIDRAM Festival Potsdam, Klaipeda International Puppetry Festival in Lithuania.. And was selected for 'Augenblick Mal´ Germany´s Bienalle for Youth and Children Theatre in Berlin.
A production of Theater Junge Generation, Dresden
Directed by: Ariel Doron
Patrick Borck, Christoph Levermann / Daniil Shparov, Anna Menzel
Vivianne Podlich, Uwe Steinbach, Ulrike Shuster
Stage and Costume design: Grit Dora von Zechau
Assistant Costumes (Puppet Costume design): Mai Aylon
Masks: Susanne Kotte
Dramaturg: Ulrike Leßmann
Puppet Design: TJG, Halle Puppentheatre
Trailer Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
Photos by: Marco Prill, Jörg Sachse, FlowersAndSunsets Photography, Fotolito Photography, Heike Kupfer, Andy Fritzsche, Ariel Doron.
For more information: